What kind of questions can I ask when commissioning a custom report?

What kind of questions can I ask when commissioning a custom report?

If you have custom report credits (if you don't, please contact us to find out how you can purchase them), you can ask our PhD Concierge to conduct in-depth ethnographic analysis on a topic of your choice. The types of topics you pick can be anything from wanting to understand the future of certain trends (and what will help you drive growth), to identifying the specific ingredients and needs consumers most associate with a particular topic or trend.

Example Project Requests

Here are examples of the most types of requests we receive:

Preliminary Analysis - The Future of

  • What is the future of TREND or CATEGORY? What is driving and preventing growth?
  • Who are the consumers driving it? What are their demographics and motivations?
  • Do consumers naturally perceive this trend to fit well with [where our business is headed]?

Demand Refinement - Identifying the most valuable ideas for the brand/business

  • In the area of _____ (e.g. wellness), what offers the greatest value to the consumer and the brand?
  • Which of the following 4 or 5 trends is more valuable to consumers in terms of market size and growth potential?
  • Which fits better with our business?
  • Are there significant differences in the socio-demographics and motivations driving them?
  • What are the consumer-led demand spaces in the area of ______ (trend, topic, idea, issue)?

Translation Research - Distilling broad concepts down to focused needs/requirements

  • What's driving this trend? How big is it, and where is it headed?
  • What makes up the consumer's mental model around this [topic]?
  • What are the dominant requirements emerging?
  • What are the underlying motivations and attitudes, and how has it changed in the past year?

Technical Discovery

  • What are the technical needs emerging from the consumer's perspective?
  • Which of these technical needs is most valuable to the consumer, and why?
  • How does the consumer think about a particular technical area?

Getting Started

Before you send us a request request, we ask that you fill out this briefing form. This will give us the information we need to get going.

When sending us a research request, please indicate -

  • The topic or trend you'd like us to examine. E.g. Plant-Based Proteins.
  • The context within which you'd like us to examine this trend. E.g. Snacking.
  • The top areas of outcomes most relevant to your business. E.g. Ingredients and factors most relevant to consumers who care about plant-based proteins, such as sustainability or whole foods.