Data Sources for Jobs-to-be-Done

Data Sources for Jobs-to-be-Done

Data for our JOBS platform comes from product reviews left all across the Internet. The data we get is country specific and spans category. We treat the data from product reviews the same way we treat the data for Lux-MotivBase Trends. That is, we apply our contextual intelligence algorithm to examine the broader context as defined by the consumer around any particular topic and use that broader context to identify pain points and write job specifications.

The key benefit of our contextual algorithm being that we don't just see jobs that are obviously or directly connected to a category of interest, but also end up identifying jobs that come to us from a related category - e.g. even though the topic we're examining is probiotics, we may find related jobs from the nutritional supplements category because consumers link health supplements to probiotic supplements. Ultimately, our goal is to get as close to the consumer's reality as possible.

For more on this, please read the article on methodology.