The process of analyzing a macroculture is actually quite simple.
Once you’ve run a search and established that you've arrived at the right context, the next step really is a matter of scouring through the 30-topic cluster (the topic universe of the macroculture) to identify three topics that you think are most relevant to your business and business problem.
We call these three topics “microculture topics,” while the original search term is the macroculture topic.
Basic Interpretation, powered by GPT
Once you've identified the three topics of interest, click on each one of them one by one and examine the relationship to the macroculture topic by clicking the “Interpret” button (previously “Ask GPT”). You’ll instantly get an analysis that tells you about what's going on in the consumer’s mind related to this microculture topic (always in the context of the macroculture).
Deep Cultural Analysis
If you would like to perform a more in-depth analysis, you can add a microculture topic in the microculture section of the app and apply it.
This will provide an additional 200 topics that inform us about what consumers are really discussing regarding this microculture topic, within the context of the macroculture.
This analysis can often take time, which is why we launched the GPT integration (described above) in the first place.
Once you’re in the “rabbit hole” of a microculture, you can then click on topics to explore their related articles and connections in order to interpret their meaning.
Here again, we often recommend beginning with 3-5 topics that are most relevant to you and then working your way forward from there depending on the time you have at your disposal.

As you move the slider from left to right, you’ll go from topics closest in semantic distance to topics further away. Which means another way of analyzing the microculture can be to pick 2-3 topics at the front end and 2-3 topics at the back end.